In every Individual, there is a force more powerful, more mysterious than the inner workings of the Universe. Shaped by thought, fuelled by emotions, forged by life, touched by spirit and loved by love itself, it is the everlasting gift called Imagination...

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Location: Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia

Suvon is the name of a World that I am currently working on in hopes of sharing with other fiction writers. It's a project that has taken me quite a while. Right now, I am on a slow process at the first book, a King's Heir.

Friday, September 03, 2004

Xfresh Archive: Chicken Die Standing

Location: Downstairs with Ayah's laptop and a full stomach.
Mood-of-the-day: Solitaire

For the first time since opening this blog, I didn't felt like writing anything yesterday. Yet at the same time, I had to be stuck at school for 4 hours because I told my mom that I had class, which was cancelled since it was getting closer to the exams date. Of course, I hadn't told my mom about the exams coming either. So to fill the time other than going window shopping at Giant or taking a trip to KLCC, I surfed up to Spend My Time (still loved that song).

My mom made Chicken Die Standing today. Yes, that was what I meant. Chicken, dead, standing upright position, simple as that. But to those who were bubbling with curiosity, I'll elaborate further. My mom saw something on the Discover Travel channel on Astro, something about the tenderness of meats based on the position and direction of the convection cooking. She tried to apply the principles for today's dinner.

She took a whole chicken and used marinate made from soy sauce, ketchup, salt, sugar, pepper mix of her own recipe for 4 hours or so (I couldn't tell how long since I was at school). Instead of the usual High-2-hours-press-Start, she turned to Convection Bake and stuck the chicken onto a stainless steel something-that-helps-chicken-to-stand-up-with-thingy and, well, she baked it.

That way, the bird gets cooked on all sides evenly and she doesn't have to stop to turn the chicken over (save for the usual marinate bath). Yeah, and it helps to have a chicken without a marinate lines, as supposed to tan lines. It was like roasting a chicken on a spit, only vertical. And she called this Chicken Die Standing because we, at the dinner table, craved it up piece by piece as it stand up as rigid as any soldier in attention.

So if you were thinking of a firing squad aiming for feathered and blindfolded prisoners in a row, you got some imagination. Don't get me wrong, it was delicious and I don't mind having it again in the not too distant future. Just I wished she got the name differently. My lil' bro was still in giggles and my dad was thinking of Cow Drowned Swimming stew or Fish In-Salted for next week's meal.

You know what I noticed today? The thing that seems to be on everybody's lips is all about the Brazil's win of the Copa America. It was just all over the place, the student lounge, the corridors, the seating areas outside, even at the loos (we have a unisex bathroom). Well, at my school of course, but I was technically speaking (about Copa America, I mean, not the bathroom). So technically speaking, the thing that seems to be on everybody's BLOG was about the instant Xfresh Gathering.

I hadn't missed a gathering since I've joined Xfresh. Maybe they noticed too because, although I didn't signed up, they've called me by my cellphone asking if my 'attendance' was confirmed (as long as it's free from telemarketers, I'm trusting Xfresh with my number :P). The 'they who called me' were some people I dunno who, but as Shaz had mentioned in the Forum, it was probably the CDT. And yes, I'm going too. I need a good real shopping anyway.

Signed: *Ophie, who's next meal shall be called 'Hitler's Dinner' (white meat only).