In every Individual, there is a force more powerful, more mysterious than the inner workings of the Universe. Shaped by thought, fuelled by emotions, forged by life, touched by spirit and loved by love itself, it is the everlasting gift called Imagination...

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Location: Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia

Suvon is the name of a World that I am currently working on in hopes of sharing with other fiction writers. It's a project that has taken me quite a while. Right now, I am on a slow process at the first book, a King's Heir.

Friday, September 03, 2004

Xfresh Archive: ¤§üvøñ Ré@lîty¤ Updates!

Location: A small, soothingly cool and quiet, soft-fan-swish, golden moonglow lamplit bedroom...
Mood-of-the-day: A small, soothingly cool and quiet, soft-fan-swish, golden moonglow lamplit feeling...

I spent 3/4 of the daylight hours at school today. Two-thirds of my sitting time at school was for, well, sitting down (duh! :P). To be more precise, I was at the PC workstation. Noticed anything different about my blog? If you couldn't then I should say there was something funny on your end of the Net because I had given you guys 24 hours to get it figured. Still it should be obvious.

Okay, how about five tries, eh? First one, come one. Aha, you were right! I have been playing narcissistic and gone shaving my legs. But that wasn't what this blog was about, try again. No, sorry! Waldo wasn't, hasn't and had never been here. Wrong again! Hospital Bahagia had NOT been issuing Loyal Customer discounts for my treatments. Two more. Yes... yet no! I do have donated my DNA to Frankenstein Memorial but not for cloning!

Last chance... yes that was it! You were absolutely correct! My blog is now prettier than yours! Okay, so there was no real mystery to it (thus, no actual prizes awarded). Many parts of Suvon Reality still had the Blue Shards gifs and I had decided to keep them. But I do liked what I had done to the main title, though much of the magic is from the landscape scene I had kept.

I had done a lot of updates since my blog was entering its second month, especially if you had seen to the right side. I had moved the 'Push Me' button down at the Chaos Touch section because it felt more appropriate. And it had fellow script called 'Earthquake', just if your eyes needed a good shaking (or give my blog one :P). I had also added a Snakes game, since I loved Snakes. It was harder than my Nokia though, due to screen size.

This month's Scene of the Month was the picture that got me started on collecting scenes. I got it a long time ago during my tag-fiction days. It was my desktop wallpaper and now my plastic file's background. I wrote a quick, short story about it once, something about a family's heirloom and protecting secrets. Hmm, maybe I'll slip it in my Chaos Circles series.

The new blog backgrounds were already inside Ms Word files. The title jpg was a bit tricky, since I had mentioned before that graphics I love to view but blur to make one. I used one of my favourite landscape scenes (actually, I had wanted the title background as August's Scene of the Month) and used basic Ms Word and Windows Paint to put them together. Not bad eh, for a novice?

Overtime, I noticed various other Xbloggers making their lil' comfy web-Homes more and more personal. They had renovated from the pre-designed packages to more colours, more pics and more scripts. There were polls in at least five Xblog (including my own, :P), counters appearing as fast as they were making numbers and everybody seemed to be getting the hang of html thingy.

It made me wonder... Are all you guys were on to the Xpress Yourself Blog Contest?