In every Individual, there is a force more powerful, more mysterious than the inner workings of the Universe. Shaped by thought, fuelled by emotions, forged by life, touched by spirit and loved by love itself, it is the everlasting gift called Imagination...

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Location: Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia

Suvon is the name of a World that I am currently working on in hopes of sharing with other fiction writers. It's a project that has taken me quite a while. Right now, I am on a slow process at the first book, a King's Heir.

Friday, September 03, 2004

Xfresh Archive: BLOGathon and the upcoming Ikano Street Party

Location: Sorry, GPS out of order. Please reboot and try again.
Mood-of-the-day: blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog ...

Of all the things I could have missed during my 2 weeks' of total separation from the Internet (e-mails, message board RPG chats, Net game high scores, waaay behind of a tag story, announcement of a gathering even), but 6 days lost of a chance to competing in something I do almost everyday? Even if it isn't for a blog! It's outrageous! I can't let you guys have so much fun without me! I wanna get into the BLOGathon too :P

And boy was I ever ready. I hope Xblog judges would forgive me for the many entries I've posted up yesterday. It's the biggest amount I've ever written and posted in one day and I do hope each counts, you know, for a good entry lead. The downside is that I'll be leaving for Pulau Redang this coming Thursday and won't be back until Monday. Aah... so many ideas to put into entries, so little time to write it all...

Oh, well! When hungry, the food's not gonna cook by itself, ya know. Well the whole world seem to be starting its usual weird normalcy today. I drove this morning on the road next to Ikano Power Centre and caught the licence plate of a black Volvo titled 'CIA'. Well, I brushed it off amusingly at first, until the ocean-blue Gen. 2 that tailed the Volvo closely behind had the licence plate as 'KGB'. Great, spies... they're everywhere.

Armed with my green 1.44Mb, I was the first old student without lil' paper-type temporary metric card to sign-up for a workstation bum sitting. Actually, I was the first old student of anything at 8.45am considering that new students had yet to register for the semester (but, that's another story :P). And I spend good, long daylight hours with a such a straight back that would have made my dad and any drill sergeant proud (especially when I discovered what all you people had been up to without me!).

Everybody's seem to be getting a good journaling habit during my absence. Wa~aaah, scared-le, banyak competition! :D Looks like nobody had really reported about any bugs but I still found some minor old ones, like when you tried to edit your entries, there's some foreign code text about errors (hey Alby, hope you're reading this! :P). Didn't effect the actual editing of the entries though, I'm just curious about it.

Lastly, didja hear about the Ikano Merdeka Celebration coming soon this 30th August? I first heard about it on the radio before the Star gave out more details about the street party. There gonna be a celebrity concert with deejays, the usual crowd-mingling entertainment, even hot air balloon ride all the way right up to the midnight fireworks. Anybody here coming? I live just nearby and any reason to go to shopping malls is good reason!

Signed: *Ophie, who also took a visit to the Xfresh Forums only to be greeted by echoes of her own postings... :P (Where is everybody?)