In every Individual, there is a force more powerful, more mysterious than the inner workings of the Universe. Shaped by thought, fuelled by emotions, forged by life, touched by spirit and loved by love itself, it is the everlasting gift called Imagination...

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Location: Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia

Suvon is the name of a World that I am currently working on in hopes of sharing with other fiction writers. It's a project that has taken me quite a while. Right now, I am on a slow process at the first book, a King's Heir.

Friday, September 03, 2004

Xfresh Archive: See you later, Xfreshers!

Location: Who cares?! We're off to see the Redang. The wonderful Pulau Redang!
Mood-of-the-day: See the pic...

Bouncy, bouncy, bouncy, bouncy...

Arrgh~! It's just so déjà vu. I'm feeling totally excited and anxious again, just like the first day of semester holidays. At exactly 24 hours from the time this entry is posted, it'll be all just super sun, sand, sleep, swim and salty sea for the further 96 hours. My last visit to an island paradise was long forgotten but I think it was Pulau Perhentian back then. I got so many things to do, including telling it to the world!

Yeah, that's the other thing, my blog. I wanted to get into the BLOGathon very much, confident that I could have a chance at something but that something's gotta give and I ain't missing this trip! I'm trying to post as much meaningful entries while I'm still above sea level. It's very rare that my family managed to find the right free time that's convenient for everybody for this trip. This was a tight slip since that I started school while my lil' bro had started the holidays (he's skipping his tuition classes).

What I'm most concerned are the 2 cats, Patchy and Dusty. How are they going to survive four days without the required total care and protection? My bro isn't coming with us since he still got to go to work and so he'll be able to feed them at least. But Patchy's senior kitty and gets easily stressed out if something's amiss. He needs his scheduled nightly-scratch-behind-the-neck and only I can do it properly. I mean, well, look at him!

Obnoxious pretty boy since birth
Kitty Mugshot: Patchy, kitten of Catty, second generation feline in da family

Still, arrgh~! What am I going to pack? I lost my yellow-green snorkel ages ago. I searched for it in ever corner. As a last resort, I braved through the dark clutter of the Doom Room (see previous Ophami-lympics entry) and come out only with bruises, a throat full of dust and empty hands. I think I stepped on something dead (eeeeew, gross!). Luckily, the nearest fully equipped bathroom was only a hop, skip and jump away, (literary, all on one foot!).

Still, no snorkel anywhere. I'll have to borrow my dad's or rent one from the hotel. I'm not going to miss feeding coral fishies for the world. Mom mentioned in passing that she's going to pack some mouldy bread for that. What I'm going to bring along is my raggedy old Jeans! Need some fixing up though. I love my hideous blue but I hate to sew. Pricked my finger a few times actually.

One time blue jeans, twice bleached, thrice torn and 4 times mistaken for kain buruk
My favourite and oldest pair. It's supposed to look ugly.

Yahoo, snorkel was actually found! My dad founded at the last minute in his own jumbled collection of scuba gear. I know it's weird to say that I've lost it at the 4th paragraph and say that it's been found by the 6th, but all the while I was writing this in my room, I stopped at almost every sentence to pack a shirt or to sew up another hole in the raggedy Jeans or check the pencil case for pre-blog equipment or etc...

Signed: *Ophie, free Pulau Redang souvenir to the one who guessed correctly how many times Ophie stopped to do something else half-way through this entry.