In every Individual, there is a force more powerful, more mysterious than the inner workings of the Universe. Shaped by thought, fuelled by emotions, forged by life, touched by spirit and loved by love itself, it is the everlasting gift called Imagination...

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Location: Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia

Suvon is the name of a World that I am currently working on in hopes of sharing with other fiction writers. It's a project that has taken me quite a while. Right now, I am on a slow process at the first book, a King's Heir.

Monday, October 11, 2004

CC Character Sheet #1

Location: In over 6 different areas in Petaling Jaya, we move this blog.
Mood-of-the-day: Radiohead-ache

Recently a blogger friend of mine commented on the non-existence of my fiction’s Character Sheet. Well, I didn’t do it because I didn’t want to give too much away unknowingly and then the story would get boring. But through the weekend, I managed to sort out the main characters and their origins. However, I also included some hints that are vital to the story and so I blanked them out.

In Green Cliffs, birth names are the first names in full. Calling names are shortened birth names, possibly an adaptation to country life from their nobility past. Calling names are used until the person is married. A sign of civility, non-clansmen and outsiders are prohibited from addressing using calling names.

1. Jaque Jaymeson is a young lad who yearns for the Outside. He knew little about his mother’s family, the Varns. He believes that the Forest Men might help him. He was Lya’s husband-to-be. His birth name is Garjaquerin. Tall and lanky with pointed face messy dark brown hair he tied back.

2. Lya Samueldottir is a young girl with a curiosity as strong as her magic gift. She did not know anything about her adoption. She knew had stumbled upon her clan’s secret and deciphered all but one manuscript. She was Jaque’s wife-to-be. Her birth name is Aellyanette. Small, elfin-like figure with curly hair on a short braid.

3. Handred Samuelson is the Head Villager of Enatuh and Father of Green Cliffs Valley. This schoolteacher is an old but determined man and had kept a clan secret. He has an old grudge against the King and his Mages. His calling name was Hrad. Medium height with dark wrinkled skin, bearded face and thick white hair.

4. Finnigan Jaymeson is the Head of the Jaymes clan. Opposed to Green Cliff inclusion to neither Asuqaro’s nor Uvounuq’s sovereign, he is strong-willed and tactical as well as arrogant. He suspects Jaque of magic capabilities. His calling name was Finn. Broad and muscular, crooked nose, strong chin and yellow hair.

5. Terrance Jaymeson is Jaque’s father and Finnigan’s younger brother. He was once a cheerful man not only patient. He is the chief farmer and maintains the fields and the sheep of the clan. His first wife and two daughters died in an Uvounuq’s massacre. He believes Jaque and Lya were already married. His calling name was Tren. In appearances, he is similar to Finnigan save his eyes were green instead of blue, his nose straight.

6. Rosa Samueldottir is Lya’s dreamy second aunt who spoke in riddles. She lives as a maid/helper in her cousin’s house after she lost her own family in an Uvounuq’s massacre. She also keeps secrets for Lya, some Lya does not know. Her birth name is Pyrosaette. Her very long hair is dirty grey in colour with freckled skin and bony stature.

7. Channeler Harrietta is Enatuh’s magic user and advisor to the Head Villager. She had often secretly argued with Handred for his clan secrets. She is vigorous and active but took only one apprentice. Her calling name was Riet (Mailotdottir). Thick and broad with sun-bleached freckled face and hair short and straight.

Signed: *Ophie, counting the black spots and making sure that they’re really hidden ;).