In every Individual, there is a force more powerful, more mysterious than the inner workings of the Universe. Shaped by thought, fuelled by emotions, forged by life, touched by spirit and loved by love itself, it is the everlasting gift called Imagination...

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Location: Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia

Suvon is the name of a World that I am currently working on in hopes of sharing with other fiction writers. It's a project that has taken me quite a while. Right now, I am on a slow process at the first book, a King's Heir.

Monday, September 06, 2004

Blogspot Extension!

Location: The pc that keeps getting an Access Denied from workstation's firewall
Mood-of-the-day: Like a new mommy

Guess what? No, I'm not, and had never been pregnant. But I've sure been through one hell of a labour and I've yet to see if it's actually worth it. The answer is that Xfresh's Suvon Reality had just gone through a mitosis phase (go back to your biology textbooks if you don't know what mitosis means). What comes out kicking and screaming is a brand new lil' clone of Suvon Reality called... er, um, Suvon Reality!

Okay, I'll get more specific. I had been concerned that my current blog isn't publicly widespread enough, in other words, I want more outsiders' visits and comments. So I opened up a duplicate of this 'ere lil' bloggy into a spot in, well, Blogspot! Yup, posted all 62 previous posts right down to the Signeds.

Even the sidebar topics and pictures are totally alike. However, it did have it's own counter and tag-board. Now more people can busy body about how I live. Oh, and to the two ppl who voted in the new poll yesterday, could you please vote again? I've accidentally reset the poll due to a bad blog bug.

I gave it the same name because, pretty much, it's the same person who's writing. Different blog names means different stories and I was never able to led double or triple lives (having a hard time to actually get one life going!). Took me the whole morning and afternoon to get it all done (mid-noon didn't count because workstation's closed for Friday prayers). So let's just say, I have only one blog, but with two ways to read it from (Xfresh/Blogspot).

I'm going to turn my title box into a title bar, make it simpler and easier to look at. However, the entire advance editing of the template would have to wait till Monday. I'm feeling so sleepy! After I drove home from school, there was a patient lil' bro ready to be sent to his tuition class. Since I'm already at the front gate, might as well chauffer for the dude. The Proton's brake is being funny again. And now so is one of the front lights. I turned the knob and the car looked like it has an eye patch.

I told my dad about the new Reality at Blogspot (I brag to my family about my blog almost every day now :P). He was still unimpressed though, but he did wonder what the heck do I write about that's worth reading. Well, I told him I wrote just about anything and everything that's been going on, like we're having McDonald's for dinner, or sweet potatoes vs. mashed potatoes, or the tiny frog I almost stepped on as I walked aimlessly in a sleepy-drunken haze (I get drunk when I'm sleepy, really).

On a different story, my Tonmarutchi had just evolved into a Mimitchi, the highest evolution score in the science of alien A.I. in a Box. He doesn't cry out for meaningless attention anymore, just being a nicely well-mannered lil' white bunny alien (wow, he beat me to maturity). Since I got to school for the whole days, I set my pc clock to the opposite of real time so that his Day is my Night.

Signed: *Ophie, Real clock = 11:10PM, PC clock = 12:34PM.