In every Individual, there is a force more powerful, more mysterious than the inner workings of the Universe. Shaped by thought, fuelled by emotions, forged by life, touched by spirit and loved by love itself, it is the everlasting gift called Imagination...

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Location: Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia

Suvon is the name of a World that I am currently working on in hopes of sharing with other fiction writers. It's a project that has taken me quite a while. Right now, I am on a slow process at the first book, a King's Heir.

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Freeware and a Dream Guy

Location: Hands on keyboard, feet under desk, eyes forward at monitor, mouth sucking in a Sprite.
Mood-of-the-day: See, I can do minimum multi-tasking :P...

I’m so not in the mood to go to school today. In actual fact, my Wednesday class was not scheduled to have today since we’re supposed to read chapter 4 on our own. Plus, this was supposed to give us extra, extra time to work on the 2-minute movie assignment, which is due in less than two weeks. So project current evaluation: Arrrggghhh!!! And here I was day-dreaming of making a Multimedia major.

So why am I here anyway? Well, to slave away into this blog so you can pry into my story since you’ve got no spice of your own (heh! :P). Nah, that’s not it. I’m having a Last Chance group meeting. Hopefully the others managed to get an idea or so. Confession by me, I haven’t been downloading the Matrix trailer at all (but I am now!). Let’s just say a lil’ RPG was being a very tempting distraction.

Small, but I hadn't placed my own screenshots yet.
I've only reached this part at least.
So don't ask me anything about the game just yet!

Amaranthia: Ahriman's Prophecy

You know when they say you’ll know it when you met the man of your dreams? Okay, so maybe they don’t say it often or even at all (whoever ‘they’ are). No, this isn’t a steamy story of a dreamy new crush (I hadn’t had a crush on any guy since secondary school *sigh*). But there was a dream involved that’s for sure. And I’m wondering if the man of my dreams is just that, in my dreams.

Usually I’ll call upon E. Diot to interpret my dreams despite the lack of any true calculation (my alter ego would read a blue mushroom in a dream as Death by Slurpee). But Im going to be open and let you guys decide (since I’m lacking any real story for this blog entry), here’s how the dream goes...

It was a scene back at my mom’s old Johor community. I presumed it was at the backyard of a distant because there’s lots of coconut trees, the ground was soft and there’s lots of greens and running (living) chickens. It was a very Aidilfitri atmosphere. Everybody’s in his or her Malay clothes, eating finger foods (satay, hot dog and such). I was wearing my pastel pink kebaya, surrounded by aunties (more that I liked to be surrounded by in one place but that might had been the dream making).

Sudden, one of my aunts, mak-yah and cik-sidah said that I was turning into an old maid and that all of them were going to do something about it. Then there was this guy came up to me. Tall, dark and clean-shaven, he’s not exactly a guy who should be seen on TV (IMHO, a bit skinny). He looked like the kind of guy my mom would gossip to all her friends about, which was my first thought as next to this-must-be-a-joke. He smiled and I woke up.

I didn’t know whether to feel relieved or disappointed. I swear that I’ve never seen this guy that crept into my subconscious, even if I bothered to compare with all the Unitar guys I pass everyday. But if this was one of those mysterious dreams that you’ll an unexplained sense of déjà vu when you get to it, I hope I wasn’t an old maid when I’ll get it.

Signed: *Ophie, still had to graduate before any serious commitment.