In every Individual, there is a force more powerful, more mysterious than the inner workings of the Universe. Shaped by thought, fuelled by emotions, forged by life, touched by spirit and loved by love itself, it is the everlasting gift called Imagination...

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Location: Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia

Suvon is the name of a World that I am currently working on in hopes of sharing with other fiction writers. It's a project that has taken me quite a while. Right now, I am on a slow process at the first book, a King's Heir.

Friday, September 17, 2004

September 17th Entry and Unforeseen Tragedy

Location: Suvon Reality
Mood-of-the-day: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!

On this day, I was born. And I woke up to start a new day for the rest of my life first by enjoying a healthy first meal...

The flash made it looked funny
Gardenia toasted bread under a Kraft Singles cheddar based, topped in dripping Sloppy Joe mince beef and covered in a snow blanket of bold, strong flavourful Parmesan cheese

Well, maybe healthy was not the word for it. My dad caught me taking this photo at my food and being used to my eccentricities (a polite way of saying “You damn crazy woman!”) just gave me a bear hug and wished the proper greeting. If it were my mom though, she’ll be a sour faced since she served oranges and bananas for breakfast (though it might have been the oranges that made her sour :P).

So how did the group meeting on movie making go? Well, other than the fact that neither one of us gals knew how to operate an un-user friendly program as stated in the assignment (which some aren’t even available in the school’s PCs), the stupid firewall dropped on us as we killed some precious time downloading the Matrix trailer only to find an ‘Operation restricted’ warning sign.

So we spend much on brainstorming a storyboard aided by the clean-cut Jpegs and animated Gifs on the Warner Bros website. I purposed a story that Neo and Trinity were on the verge of making out when Hello Kitty came strolling in and screamed that Neo was her boyfriend and that Barbie had ditched ran off with Justin Timberlake since his 24.5th girlfriend is dating the Hangman stick, who was Trinity’s secret lover.

Nope, no story surfaced. I must have scared them. Next meeting is next week after no-class hour. Maybe then I’ll give them a real horror story, if they hadn’t come up with theirs yet. But if you’re really into horror stories, here’s a most terrifying one. What makes this even scarier is that it happened just last night and I’ve still got my heartbeats on adrenaline. What happened to me was...

MY PC DIED!! Oh tragedy, tragedy, tragedy, tragedy! Oh agony, agony, agony, agony! The horror! Oh, why? Why? WHY?!!

Wo~oosh! Even now that I got the melodramatic outta my system (for the umpteenth time since I woke up), my lil’ old Sapura-made Box of Digital Utility still seemed to be exhaling its last binaries. I first noticed a different when there was a funny, short noise repeatedly, like something was stuck again and again. If hard drives could cough, I’m sure mine just did.

Following safety drills, I took out CDs and diskettes before restarting. Just did a scan disk and defrag only two weeks ago too. Then a cheerful lil’ message told me to insert the boot disk. Damn! Of the 20+ diskettes I have on my table, neither one is a boot disk. Must take advanced maneuvers. This old baby is almost 6 years on a Windows 98. It’s been through two house moving, various pirated software, countless checkups and hundred and hundreds of carefully typed word documents. I ain’t letting it go just yet!

Signed: *Ophie, aged 19 years, 11 months, 4 weeks, 2 days, 19 hours and 20 minutes.