In every Individual, there is a force more powerful, more mysterious than the inner workings of the Universe. Shaped by thought, fuelled by emotions, forged by life, touched by spirit and loved by love itself, it is the everlasting gift called Imagination...

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Location: Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia

Suvon is the name of a World that I am currently working on in hopes of sharing with other fiction writers. It's a project that has taken me quite a while. Right now, I am on a slow process at the first book, a King's Heir.

Monday, September 27, 2004

Saturday Night Musings!

Location: In a place of boredom where I only got out of it 3 times today (breakfast, lunch, dinner)
Mood-of-the-day: What do you expect in a place of B-O-R-E-D-O-M?

It’s that night again! Not that I’m actually jump up and down to eagerly write it (see entry’s mood-of-the-day). So I’m twiddling my fingers when I’m not continuously banging on the keyboard’s Spacebar or Enter key, trying to kill off this stupid mouse. No, not the hardware mouse (not a real rat either! Ewwww...), I mean this enemy character in this freeware consol-RPG game (yes, I’m still addicted :P).

1. It’s ridiculous to have an Enemy mouse with a higher vitality score than your character.
2. I bet my cats can win this game better than me :’(
3. My arms are tired.
4. I’m going to be a crooked old maid when I’m 30 :P
5. Still can’t find that Shakey’s Pizza number.
6. I’m going to download Console-style RPG freeware.
7. I’m too tired to write 7 entries.
8. Okay, actually, I’m too lazy.
9. I’m trying to paste a MIDI music file to my blog. How?
10. First I gotta choose between 2 MIDIs I like :P

11. What are Blogshares?
12. I’m a sucker for anything with the term ‘FREE’ attached to it.
13. Maybe I should take a break...
14. Naah :P
15. I still got too much schoolwork *sigh*
16. "Let it burn, let it burn, gotta let it burn~," *singing Usher’s Burn*
17. Tomorrow is when I’m sending my batik to make a kebarung
18. Damn, it’s raining again.
19. And I’m getting sleepy.
20. Cold and dark places always makes me sleepy.

21. I’m musing on what’s for breakfast tomorrow.
22. I’m always musing about food :P
23. Die, you stupid rat, DIE!!
24. I’ll post a review about this game on Monday :P
25. Freeware is the only games my PC can handle.
26. Gotta be careful on those viruses.
27. Do office sitters make their butts bigger?
28. Damn...
29. Dominoes and Pizza Hut are still not around Kt. D’sara :P
30. Back to the Game! :D

Signed: *Ophie, level 28 and completed 3 relics’ quests ;)