In every Individual, there is a force more powerful, more mysterious than the inner workings of the Universe. Shaped by thought, fuelled by emotions, forged by life, touched by spirit and loved by love itself, it is the everlasting gift called Imagination...

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Location: Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia

Suvon is the name of a World that I am currently working on in hopes of sharing with other fiction writers. It's a project that has taken me quite a while. Right now, I am on a slow process at the first book, a King's Heir.

Monday, October 04, 2004

Saturday Night Musings!

Location: In the dark of the night...
Mood-of-the-day: Singing theme songs from the animated Anastasia for no reason

Waaah, slow week! I thought I’ll be perked-up for the weekend but the amount of homework is like having an elephant on your back and a herd of the rest charging behind you. Even with the weekend lazy-daze prospects didn’t metamorphosize me back into a human so I’ve been a snail for the second week running. Aaah, life isn’t going to be fluffy cushions (until I’m 55 at least) but it’s nice to have a piece of me for me to read about me from online.

1. Wish I’ve brought an optical mouse from Low Yat Plaza that day *sigh*
2. Yes, even my own mouse is very reluctant to move with me.
3. My cat, Patchy, is still being very psycho.
4. It’s entering month 4 and I’ve still hadn’t replaced the ceiling light in my bedroom.
5. The oldest thing in my room is the computer table.
6. Me? I’m the 3rd oldest thing in my room :P
7. AXN lied. There is no Amazing Race season 6!
8. I think the time span of the whole Amazing Race is a little over a week
9. I’m a sucker for the Oprah show :P
10. Are kangaroos over-sized rats or over-sized rabbits, or just over-sized?

11. I still hate firewalls.
12. I found an excellent freeware website!
13. I’m going to devote my time to finding more free games! :D
14. Pathetic, isn’t it?
15. I’ve finally finished reading Wheel of Time: Crossroads of Twilight
16. And I didn’t liked it :(
17. Last weekend, my tailor said I’ve lost weight.
18. This weekend, I ate cake.
19. Hm-mmm, does it really rhyme?
20. Maybe I should download one of those free screen savers.

21. I hadn’t chosen a theme, just a background for my desktop (see Scene of the Month).
22. Waaah, still so much work to do!
23. All I’ve been doing in my room is sleeping!
24. Why invent spray-on pantyhose anyway?
25. I’m running out of things to wear... again!
26. Put that dirty pic you’ve imagined out of your head right this minute!
27. I’ve found a pretty blue pen at my workstation table yesterday (Friday).
28. Actually, I’ve always found something at any pc table.
29. Most found foreign item at PC tables: chewing gum wrapper.
30. It pays to look before you sit at my Unitar.

Siogned: *Ophie, making this list since she hardly slept at nights since she always sleeps during the day :P